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Easily include Seller Bank details in On-hold Order Email WCFM

Do you have a scenario when using WCFM , you would want to allow buyer to directly pay to seller bank account by bank transfer?

Well I do. This is due our Marketplace offered free service to sellers. At the beginning we charge them some commission fees, but that does not really work. As the job to handle the delivery is more troublesome with our limited resources and our sellers are not coming from big companies who are willing to pay higher commission fees.

I'm going to share with you how easily you can add the Seller account details on the Customer on-hold order email template.

I'm adding this in an extended child-theme..okay. Never write in the original Woocommerce plugin module, nor the parent theme module. That is 100% wrong, as LATER on, you will have trouble to manage and upgrade the theme and plugins to the latest version.

Add the Woocommerce template directory in child theme

Create the directory for Woocommerce emails and copy the file over.

Update the customer-on-hold-order.php code to display seller bank account details

The following code is how I retrieve the seller's bank info.

Done! easy peasy!

Take note that our marketplace only allow customer to buy items from one seller at a time. so this scenario do make sense to us :D


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