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Showing posts from 2022

Some weird keyboard ISSUE + Ubuntu

 Recently my ubuntu OS  drives me crazy until i keep upgrading to the latest version. Even had issue where post upgrade the system crashed. lol and i reformat back using bootable USB Drive. You can watch how i did it! recorded and uploaded to my YouTube channel . Now im at the Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS version! Everytime i typed on my keyboard. the numbering goes crazy, the symbols goes crazy..the mouse goes crazy. Until one time i just tried to change the Keyboard setting to English (UK) from English (US)   and it works.    sometimes it works temporarily.  sometimes it work for long hours. still monitoring. but this is my current workaround.  really an old laptop.    takder ke yang nak sponser lappie baru :P

Learning Flutter (Part 2 - Install / Update Android Studio)

As my Android studio is outdated. Going to install a new one after downloaded the compressed tarball (.tar.gz) , extract to /opt directory! yeah i override the old one, as i have nothing to worry on eg environment settings. why need to store it in /opt directory? read this please :D  so i have something like  /opt/android-studio then we do the Android SDK update  . . . . today practice is a lot of waiting time :D . . .  Done  then install the Flutter & Dart plugins! ok then updating my Android emulator image! lol.  ..... another waiting time, i can say this practice should be done parallel with other activity. haha yes i am. very light2 and chill2 :D...  tutorial reference

Rounding Number to the nearest 0.05 SEN!

helping out ngo for some excel work. jotting this down for others reference~ example gsheet formula. mround(cell/range of cells, to the nearest 0.05)   = mround ( F25 , 0.05 )   rounding cent reference

Learning Flutter (Part 1 - Install Flutter)

 Trying to learn something new. Want to start with Flutter first. I do have some experience developing Android APP but that was a decade a ago. Using Android SDK to develop from scratch. However as time changed in a glimpse. Now its time to explore a new SDK! Flutter~   First i followed the instructions on how to install Flutter on my linux machine encountered few issues.  [!] Android toolchain - develop for Android devices (Android SDK version 29.0.3)     ✗ cmdline-tools component is missing       Run `path/to/sdkmanager --install "cmdline-tools;latest"`       See for more details.     ✗ Android license status unknown.       Run `flutter doctor --android-licenses` to accept the SDK licenses.       See

Lets improve Website speed

 Salam All! Today i have the privilege to do some website analysis. The main objective is to improve the current website speed and performance. Well, tbh there's less sale on the website, however the purpose having it available is for reference. Most of the sale transactions happens on Shopee~   First i ran the GTMetrix performance analysis.  you can see the report completely! here are some screenshots ! fyi im not using any cdn to do the script and image caching, due to my target audience is in Malaysia itself. And the server i deployed is from Singapore.     Steps that i take to improve the speed! Change to only use Webp images! Ive done this step previously, however didnt cater all images. For homepage lets convert all the visible image to webp! Will update from time to time this post! Troubleshoot file loading time Using browser console we can see which scripts taking long time to load then from there we ...