Assalamualaikum, As previous post , i mentioned that i wanted to create a simple distance calculator for own usage. Of course i didn't do it by myself. I watched this tutorial and download the code to start coding. And obviously i need to customize and do a little tweaks to get the result that i wanted. Plus i apply the code into Wordpress framework by extending the Child Theme What i did was, i separate the JS function from the html code. Adding the JS script and enqueued it. Steps. Introduce JS script, sudo vim assets/js/calculate_distance.js script content the additional changes that i did was, adding delivery charge calculation for the front end, i create a page template that later loaded in Wordpress page, checkout my previous post the page template content the changes that i made is on the Google Places API key value, include new labels that displays the result after the user submit the form / click "Calculate" button, preset the input value for...
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