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Showing posts from January, 2020

How to easily parse PHP array to Javascript Array

Hi All, how are you doing? Stucked? Haa. Today i'm going to share with you how to easily parse a PHP array to Javascript array! Let's say we have a php array with key pair values defined. Example We want to change it to javascript object. first we will need to parse the array to json format Then we can use in javascript, either tru api or directly Same goes if we have an array of objects in PHP example Then we parse to json And access it in Javascript Hope this helps! Please leave some comment so that i can help it out~

hiddenInput issue when integrating intl-tel-input in Woocommerce custom gateway plugin

Checkout my full post here.. on the workaround. If you have any question. please drop a comment, i ll will reply for those who are having issue on woocommerce ajax checkout update call, **i faced this when using Woocommerce deposit, i updated to check if there's any post data on form initialization, if yes, i will reassigned the variable value. Example:

Never write long post title! Here's why

Guys! I'm writing blog post on daily basis, and doing some experiment. Every morning after i woke up and booted my laptop, the first thing that i will do is actually checking my blog traffics. After disappointed with the number of traffic. Previously what i always tried to do is adding more post and more keywords. but that's not just it! The title must be attractive and clean enough! Why. I discovered that when using "queries" by visitors of my blog that i get from google search console , i noticed post title is toooooooooooo long. and google result cut off the most important word !! as below example, google result cut off the total price of the 12 days  trip to 6 Europe countries !which is the highlight of the post! Example: Ok. knowing this... i want to share with all of you. Always keep you title simple and attractive but do not exceed the 50-56 characters limits! You can use a word processor software to count the total of characters, or can...

Easily rename multiple files / image files with incremental number in Ubuntu

Why it is IMPORTANT to rename our IMAGE file names before uploading / posting to the internet world? this is because it helps the Search engine to understand what images is that or its relevant  Proper naming allow keyword inclusion too instead just the image name Will redirect traffic to your blog/website when user search using Google Images! knowing that. Its very important to rename our images / files properly. BUT WAIT, my 1 blog post can have 10 IMAGES man! no worries, you can group related images and rename by adding the numbering at the end of it! With ubuntu renaming its REALLY easy man! Renaming multiple files step 1 - Select the images that you are interested in Renaming multiple files step 2 - Right click and select rename Renaming multiple files step 3 - type in the image name, the best is to include keyword too Renaming multiple files step 4 - click the add button, and select how do you want the files is differentiated; using number, ...