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Showing posts from October, 2014

#P3 Kick Start - Unity [Player Settings]

Hi peeps, lets continue from our  #P2 tutorial , now we are going to import the player object and set setting unto it. 1) Drag our ship object (vehicle_playerShip) into the hierarchy tab/ directly unto scene view 2) Inside the hierarchy tab select the vehicle object and go to the "Edit" menu and select reframe selected or F key. after that in hierarchy tab right click the vehicle and rename to player Now we can view the object at better distant. 3) Go to the inspector tab, and under Transform option, click on the setting icon and select reset. Reset function will put the object at o, o, o orientation. origin (X,Y,Z axis) 4)In order to calculate the collision between the player ship and other component we need to add rigid body component to the player ship. select add component>physic>rigid body 5) Not only that we also need to know the volume or space used by the player object in order to calculate the collision, thus we add ano...

#P2 Kick Start - Unity [Project Settings]

Hi peeps, lets continue our  #space-shooter  project. In this post (#P2), as per tutorial, we are going to set up our project settings. 1) Re-open new project that we have created in  #P1 fist post , and save our scene as "Main" in _Scene folder(newly created). note : The scene must be save in Assets folders. and we can create subfolder for it as well, in this tutorial we going to save in under _Scenes folder. after we managed to save it, we can see in the project explorer, our _Scenes folder, and inside it we can see our main scene. 2) Set our build settings to "Web Player" click file>Build Settings or can use short cut keys (Ctrl + Shift + B) Select web player, and click "switch platform" button. by default PC, Mac & Linux standalone is selected. Now or game will be build to be playable on web player. 4) Set player settings : after we have set the build setting, we click on the "Player Setting..."...

#P1 Kick Start - Unity [Download, Installation, Import]

Hi peeps. Today im going to share, my #Unity Project 1 activities. Basically Unity is a rendering engine that complete with set of intuitive tools and rapid workflows to create interactive 3d and 2d content. My intention is to explore Unity engine and start creating my first game! for today post- i will share my process of downloading unity program, assets and installing them. The following post will be how i going to finish up Unity free game tutorial # space-shooter . Ok Lets get started! 1) Open Unity website, go to the download page. 2) Click on the download unity 4.5.5 button. (i ll use this version) note: the size is around 1.21 GB, due to my slow internet connection i took around 4 hours. 3) Install unity  Installation process quite straight forward. 4) Create new project with Unity 5) As im doing the space shooter tutorial, ill download the asset first head to this page :...