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first phase java

Salam guys.

ha ha ha what the hell im doing with my life.. . . . 

super duper ...fill.. with .. LOL 

Ok lets get to the point. its already 2 months of training ... 

different modules, different assessment ...bla2..


Java. ? Java ? Java? why do we really want to code Java?

From my studies here. I cant help but to acknowledge that java language is really cool. 

its uses Object oriented concept 

which allows us to code efficiently and make our coding easy to extend. maintain and reuse.and most importantly it can runs on any operating system ........Mac,Mic,Linux. what matters is to have Java Runtime Environment set up. plus its open source ......................which means FOC free of charge 

ok for those who are new to java. time waits for no men. so .. guys start to download you JDK 
java development kit 

just click here and download the netbeans. Netbeans is one of the IDE (integrated development environment) tht can be use to code c++. php .html and most importantly java and FOC .lol im loving oracle products. 

after you have downloaded this. try to create a java application ... 

and simple write System.out.println("hello world");   

in the main method. 

for my java fundamental module. my group and i were asked to create command line program that allow user to book ticket bus. on J2SE module we were asked to enhance our coding by using OOP methods and implement GUI. lastly for our J2EE module we are required to code an online bus ticketing system using java, jsp, servlets, javabeans, database and html.

so far we have completed java basic and j2se. and currently started to work on J2EE module which relates more on client n server things. 

so .. now we are looking on our j2ee development . wish us luck!!! 

~ :) 


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