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Showing posts from August, 2014

Microsoft virtual academy Learning C# note 3

1. uses Console.ReadLine() to read user input. 2. use simpler statement for if condition string message = (uservalue == "1") ? "boat" : "strand of lint"; //WriteLine() can use variable contains text to be print out {o} [appointing message variable] Console.WriteLine("you won = {0}", message); //WriteLine can also be written by passing two variables Console.WriteLine("you won= {0}", message, userValue);

Microsoft virtual academy Learning C# note 2

04 | Dissecting the first C# Program Programming language used is C#, One of two popular programming language to develop .net application .Net framework; class library (library of code that Microsoft wrote to take care difficult task), the Runtime (CLR -Command language runtime) , a protective bubble that ur application lives inside that. Console.WriteLine() example function provided by .Net framework. Solution Explorer    4. .sln file 5. .vcxproj 6. extensible markup language metadata contains file path, previous state of the project, 7. bin directory, output of compilation process. debug folder. start running button/ debug button, contain extra information that allow IDE to track what currently happening inside as its running. 06 | Declaring variable and assigning values duration.  Beginning in Visual C# 3.0, variables that are declared at method scope can have an implicit type var . An implicitly typed local variable is strongly...